Born December 23 (2 days before Christmas), and I feel there is a certain level of self acceptance required with birthdays that close to the holiday (or maybe it's just being a Capricorn) because birthdays are so often overlooked. I just turned 34, so not yet to 40, but I'm feeling more and more of the themes you mention here. ❤️ Thanks for sharing and happy birthday!

-A fellow winter baby

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thank you! and, yes, i would agree. happy birthday to you too!

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Happy birthday!!

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Thank you!!

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I did think about the irony of a stampede of comically oversized people rushing to buy a TV on sale, and imagined some poor soul being trampled underfoot and having the life literally crushed out of them (it’s happened!) When the selfish, avaristic stampee sits down to watch their fancy new TV, the first thing that comes on is the news article covering the disgraceful greedy masses converging like mad baboons on the moveable feast of throw-away shoddy! Haha, the irony indeed!

But seriously, my Gran GBHS lived til 84 years of age so imagine you have another 42 years - imagine the experiences and amazing things you can do and enjoy in all that time. Plus science is getting better every year and life expectancy increasing. Being single and having the space of your own mind and peace to be alone…secretly I think most hitched up folks are a little envious.

This is my own personal opinion and does not represent professional medical advice. Pip pip! 😊🧧HNY!

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Happy birthday! I totally agree being on the other side of 40 feels like a special degree in worthiness - well said :)

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Thank you! :) and right?

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Happy Birthday, Brie! I love what you said about accepting your life exactly as it is and being okay with it.

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Thank you Marla!! :) Yes, we need more of that, I think!

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I’m so incredibly close most days and many days am there.

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last i heard, 42 was the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

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