The other week I took myself out on a dinner date alone. This is something I’ve done countless times before but not in Vancouver (the pandemic probably played a role in that) so on a sunny and warm Friday evening, I went to my favourite restaurant by the beach and I had an amazing time.
As you can tell above, dining alone is actually common! Now, because I’ve dined alone before, and am comfortable doing it, I pretty much don’t think much of it. But when I mentioned my experience to my friends — an experience that included speaking to a cute stranger for hours until the restaurant closed — they all wanted to know the same thing:
How did I do that? What did I do as I sat alone? Where did I sit? Did I read? Did I make eye contact with people around me?
Basically they wanted to know how I was able to dine alone without dying.
So I made a TikTok video about it (something I rarely do but am now thinking I might do more of). You can watch it below.
I’ve also included my tips below:
Tip 1 - go to the bar. You’ll blend in easily and get the chance to feel part of the crowd. You can strike up a chat with the bartender or be open to talking with a stranger beside you.
Tip 2 — don’t bring a book!! Controversial opinion, I know. But it’s also the biggest indicator that you’re alone so if you don’t like drawing attention to yourself, don’t do it. It’s also highly unrealistic. Who eats and reads? I’d rather go on my phone and talk to my friends.
Tip 3 — ditch the distractions. The whole point of dining alone is to be…alone. So enjoy your own company! You’ll have more fun than you think. 😜🪄
And probably the most important tip of all — JUST TRY IT!
I know how hard it is when you think people are looking at/judging you, etc. But I swear no one cares, and also —it’s way more important to know how you see yourself. You deserve to treat yourself to a delicious dinner and to experience something different. We gain confidence by doing. You don’t know how truly capable you are of doing hard things until you give yourself permission to try. Who knows? You might love it! Either way, I think you’ll gain something by allowing yourself to do it.
So, bon appetite!
P.S. If you do end up going to dinner alone, drop me a line and let me know! I’d love to hear about it and cheer you on.