Hi and welcome to Love, Brie
Confessions and Dating Advice from a Relationship Writer Who Should Know Better
I’m Brianne. Most people call me Brie. I’m a writer, author, actor, and podcaster.
Love, Brie is the sort of space I wish always existed, especially when I felt like I was the only one who showed up to weddings alone without a plus-one or felt like I was the only one doing things different from everyone else.
What I Write About
I’ve been obsessed with relationships for as long as I can remember. I dressed up in wedding gowns as a child, adored having crushes (even if some, like Kevin Costner, who is older than my dad, were questionable) and always pictured my life with a great love beside me. And yet romantic relationships have always remained a mystery to me, like a Rubik's cube I couldn’t quite crack. Why were they so easy for others and so elusive for me? What was I missing? Like the good, straight-A student I’ve always been, I wanted to learn the ins and outs of love.
So, what did I do?
I wrote about it.
As a journalist I’ve gone on to write hundreds of articles in over sixty publications over the last decade on almost everything there is to learn about love and relationships. You name it, and I’ve probably written about it – from “How to Have Sex on a Beach'' to “How to Save a Marriage” despite the fact that I’ve personally never had sex on a beach or been married.
In fact, it's safe to say I haven’t done half of the sexy, lovey-dovey stuff I write about. The truth is, I’ve been writing about dating and relationships longer than any of my real relationships have lasted. In reality, I apply a “do what I say, not do what I do” approach to my articles, never following the sound advice I’ve bestowed to readers and love-seekers for over a decade.
But, now I’m in my 40s. I want to try love and life, differently.
Here, you’ll find essays about saying I love you for the first time (only after my boyfriend’s fingertip goes missing), traveling to a couples’ resort (alone), never properly having a one-night stand, and the ups and downs of dating properly in your 40s, as well as fascinating interviews and insights about love, sex, and relationships.
Love, Brie is about awkward encounters, bad dates, annoying exes, and – above all else – the most important relationship you can have.
The one you cultivate with yourself.
Who is Brie?
Before I was a freelance writer and author, I was a writer. I know that sounds silly but there’s a freedom in just being a writer without saying you’re a writer. My mom’s convinced I started writing at 6 months old. Maybe that’s true. Maybe I am a genius.
Today, I’ve written thousands of articles in 60+ publications over the last decade. My bylines have appeared in The Washington Post, Men’s Health, the BBC, Shondaland, Elle Canada, Scary Mommy, SheKnows, HelloGiggles, BuzzFeed, and many more.
I’m also the author of two books, Friendship Signs and Joy in the Stars, and I host a podcast called Seriously Single.
Thanks for being here!
Love, Brie xoxo