Hi and welcome to Love, Brie

I’m Brianne. Most people call me Brie. I’m a writer, author, actor, and podcaster.

At first I had no idea what to call my newsletter! How do you encapsulate ME? A fortysomething multipassionate single woman?

I sign off pretty much every email with “Love, Brie” and I thought, ‘that’s cute’ (I don’t do this with professional emails, to be clear. I mean, I like making things friendly, but a girl’s gotta have some boundaries).

Anyway. I thought maybe this could be like a little love letter I send to friends, or people I would like to be friends with. It’s personal, intimate, funny, and, dare I hope, a little inspiring.

Love, Brie is the sort of newsletter I wish always existed, especially when I felt like I was the only one who showed up to weddings alone without a plus-one or felt like I was the only one doing things different from everyone else. This is a diary/blog/newsletter/confessional booth? by a woman who’s used to living life completely for herself…and is finally accepting, and loving (or learning to love, anyway) who she is and the way she does life. I hope by sharing my stories, I’m able to inspire those who’ve also felt, “Am I doing life wrong?”

P.S. You’re not. You’re simply living your life...your way.


What I Write About

I write about what has always made me feel different…yet ultimately makes me, me. Things like…:

  • I’ve been single for most of my life, and no, I don’t have children.

  • I don’t have children but I do have a black cat named Olive (a pandemic kitty).

  • I am certified as a personal trainer, barre instructor, and reiki practitioner - just ‘cause...I LIKE A LOT OF THINGS!

  • I’ve traveled solo to a dozen cities, including staying a couples’ resort in the Bahamas for my 30th birthday. Alone.

  • I’ve lived in Italy, New York City, Prince Edward Island, Toronto, and Vancouver.

  • I’ve quit more jobs than I can count to follow my path as a writer (and freedom lover)

  • I once tried to work as a 1-800-hotline-psychic.

  • I went back to waitressing at 40 (and left at 41).

  • I landed my first commercial at 40.

  • I moved across the country — twice — within four years, alone.

  • I once lived in a tiny cottage with my parents at the age 35 — in a bedroom without a door.

  • I reunited with my first love almost twenty years after we broke up…only for us to part ways for real, for real.

  • I host murder mysteries every year for my birthday and am probably the only adult in the world who still celebrates and plans her own birthday party

  • My unshakeable quest to date a man who isn’t like my father (but, Daddy, I love you).

  • My unflappable (well, not always, but mostly) faith in a power greater than me, and one that exists within all of us: love. And, magic. And a good night’s sleep. Really, that does wonders.

Who is Brie?

Before I was a freelance writer and author, I was a writer. I know that sounds silly but there’s a freedom in just being a writer without saying you’re a writer. My mom’s convinced I started writing at 6 months old. Maybe that’s true. Maybe I am a genius.

Today, I’ve written thousands of articles in 60+ publications over the last decade on almost everything there is to learn about love and relationships, and everything in between. My bylines have appeared in The Washington Post, Men’s Health, the BBC, Shondaland, Elle Canada, Scary Mommy, HelloGiggles, BuzzFeed, and many more.

I’m also the author of two books, Friendship Signs and Joy in the Stars, and I host a podcast called Seriously Single.

Everything you need to understand about me is in this photo

Thanks for being here!

Love, Brie xoxo


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I share the things about love, life, and vision boards that you won't. I once went to a couples' resort, alone. That type of thing.


Writer. Author. Podcast host. Actor. Anxious parallel parker. Single woman over 40. Multipassionate person. Cat mom. I'm doing life differently. My friends call me Brie!